Michael Coe


Artist Statement

This unedited image, “Reflections,” was spontaneously composed using corner window reflections and transparencies. 2020 has been a year of reflecting on indoor and outdoor life, home and travel, interior experience and social life, living in a modest (?) but comfortable home with a view when so many have no home and little comfort. In early May, the serendipitous article on racism in health care foreshadowed the coming, overdue wave of outrage about systemic race-based inequity and violence.  We have food, heat, even flowers, but how comfortable can we really be when civilization is failing in the most fundamental ways?

Artist Bio

I’ve been making photographs since I was 13, interpreting and remembering fragments of the bounty of visual beauty and complexity that surrounds us everywhere. I love and hate this paradoxical medium. Photography sets me apart from what I see, takes me out of the physical moment into mental calculations; I abandon the veil of glass, crying authenticity; photography calls me back, draws me into intimacy with what I see, entices me into dalliances, to savor and remember moments that can’t be replaced. If only I could stop, or go further.