Susan Evans


Artist Statement

Inspired by passages in the Kalevala, (the epic poem of Finland) and the polar expedition journals of Issac Isreal Hayes, this is a lens-based origin narrative where I am the hero exploring my ancestral connection to the natural world.  These images represent the moments in between the cantos…in the “midst” of a much larger epic tale. The imaginative power of oral tradition has been translated into the visual structure of the narrative photographic image, one devoid of realism.

Artist Bio

Susan E. Evans received a B.F.A. in photography/holography from Goddard College, and an M.F.A. in photography from Cornell University.  Evans has exhibited in many national/international group and solo shows and has work in represented in multiple collections worldwide including the Musée de l’Elysée, George Eastman House Museum, and the Museum of Fine Arts Houston.  Evans has procured travel and research grants as well as been awarded residencies the most recent being NES in Skagaströnd, Iceland and Vanha Paukku Cultural Center Lapua, Finland. She likes fondue, tall shoes and camping.


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