Craig Barber

Ghosts in the Landscape: Viet Nam Revisited

July 1-31, 1999

Older, gentler more mature and many years after my first experience, I began returning to Viet Nam in 1995: my intent…photographing, writing and learning about a land my country and my youth sent me to many years ago. Blissful in my ignorance upon my first arrival in Viet Nam, saddened and still ignorant upon my departure, I return home with more questions than answers, and more anger than I care to admit. This time, carrying vivid memories,- some good, some not so, each equally intense, each needing clarification- I hoped for a better understanding. Each day I navigated through the landscape of my emotions while patrolling for images amongst the rural villages of my youth and with each day came an appreciation and an understanding of the land we call Viet Nam.