Takahiro Suzuki


Takahiro Suzuki


June 4 - 29, 2014

Artist Takhiro Suzuki's video 9214 begins with the camera pointed toward the sky and the sounds of birds filling an otherwise tranquil silence. Within a minute, bells begin sounding to announce the approach of a train. As the bells continue, the whir of the oncoming behemoth enters the soundscape, gradually increasing in volume until it suddenly enters the frame. All at once, the viewer is inundated with the blurred colors, shapes, and lines of movement as the locomotive and its freight pass overhead.

Takahiro ­­Suzuki is an artist currently living and working in Charlottesville, Virginia. He received his BA in Studio Art at the University of Virginia and was subsequently awarded an Aunspaugh Fifth Year Fellowship. Suzuki's works have been exhibited and screened nationally and internationally, most recently at the Experiments in Cinema festival in Albuquerque, New Mexico; the Australian International Experimental Film Festival in Melbourne, Australia; and the Montreal Underground Film Festival in Montreal, Canada.