Charlie Meecham


The Oldham Road

August 5-28, 1999

These pictures were taken when the North of England was having to take the brunt of Margaret Thatcher’s hard nosed policy to clear out the failing industry and break the unions, ready for the new perceived high tech age. Her academic approach created a harsh time through I’m quite sure it all seemed pragmatic to her and a lot of money was being made by her supporters, sadly by people living outside the area and usually in the South. The Mancheter- Oldham area had been built up during the 19th century Industrial Revolution and was famous for cotton spinning. The mills and the surrounding streets of houses and corner shops were very distinct, built in red brick and very regimented, as was the society at that time. By the late 1980′s very few working mills reminded and those still remaining were used for other purposes or just stood empty. They had become a backdrop for new development that made no attempt to fit into a relate to the existing culture. Most new businesses were being housed in glorified tin sheds and the new housing had eclectic features taken from anywhere. The area continues to evolve; at present a new orbital motorway is being constructed which cuts across this road and divides the area.