Heather Boyd


Artist Statement

Wish You Were Here, explores longing, loneliness, and escapism within quarantine/remaining at home alone due to the pandemic. Psychological suffering and pain are universal themes that are also very personal and specific. Through film photography, I reconfigure a sense of personal memory by (re)constructing destinations or travel scenarios within a home space to evoke memories of travel and the accompanying snapshots one takes, or postcards purchased to be mailed to loved ones. These events and ideas are implied through staged theatrical sets and symbols.

The sets act as snapshots of a certain moment in time while the accompanying photo series entitled Shrines, offer a more durational act of devotion. This act is to another person one longs to be experiencing such moments with or: to a memory, a hope, an act of play or humor as a means of mental escape.

Heather Boyd | Portland, OR



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